Green Dot

Green Dot campus team

ISU Green Dot is an evidence-based, campus-wide program that empowers participants to act when interpersonal, power-based violence – such as dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking – are present on our campus. Using a bystander intervention lens, Green Dot provides useful tools and resources to transform community norms away from violence towards compassion, connection, and care. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate in Green Dot. 

Everyone is welcome to participate in Green Dot. The more people across campus engage with Green Dot, the more effectively we can change the campus culture and norms. Our work is built on the idea that no one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.

The Problem: Red Dots

Imagine that every time a harmful action takes place on campus, a red dot shows up. When enough red dots appear and go unchallenged, our campus culture has normalized violence. The Green Dot program is a collective way of shifting this culture through our everyday actions and relationships.

The Solution: Green Dots

A green dot is any action that reduces the chance of red dots showing up or that reduces the harm red dots cause. By making green dots, we communicate that interpersonal, power-based violence at ISU is unacceptable. Enough green dots over time makes campus better for everyone

So… What exactly are Green Dots?

Green Dots are actions against violence or harm that express care and compassion for others. There are two kinds of Green Dots: Proactive Green Dots & Reactive Green Dots.

Green Dot logo

Proactive Green Dots: Little things you do to make it less likely that violence, or a red dot, will ever happen. This could include you having a conversation with a friend about your stance against violence, wearing green dot gear, or posting an update on social media that violence is not acceptable in the Cyclone community.

Reactive Green Dots: The choices you make in response to a situation that you think could be harmful to another or might eventually lead to something harmful. This could include you stepping in when you notice something not quite right in the student neighborhood, walking a friend home when they’ve had too much to drink to be sure they make it home safely, or telling a friend to back off when you know the other person is not interested.

Reactive Green Dots come in the form of the 3 D’s:


Do something yourself: For example, ask the person causing harm to stop what they are doing, or check in with someone you are worried about


Get help from someone else: For example, tell your friends about what is going on, or ask a teacher, coach, bartender, etc. to intervene.


Cause a distraction: For example, “accidentally” spill a drink or bump into someone, or ask to borrow someone’s phone or for a ride home